Love and Gratitude

International Love and Gratitude Day has been officially declared as July 22nd to honor the life and work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. 

We are all connected through the water in our bodies and our beautiful planet. Dr. Emoto found that the two most powerful words Love & Gratitude had a profound effect on water and the ability to transform and shift consciousness.

Here are some ways you can celebrate Love & Gratitude Day on July 22

*Take a moment to just sit, breath, relax, and think of 3 things that you are grateful for. 

*Show your love and appreciation to friends, family, co-workers, school mates by giving them a card or small token of love and appreciation. Even something as simple as a smile or a hug.

*Be of service and share love and gratitude with a local non-profit that could use your contributions and assistance.

*Make a list of 100 people, places or things that you love and are grateful for in your life.

*Most importantly be kind to yourself and thank your personal body of water for taking such good care of you. This love and gratitude energy will ripple out into the world.

We want to know how you celebrate Love & Gratitude day.

LIKE our facebook page and share with others and make sure to visit Dr. Emoto’s website.

Here are 50 ways suggested by Tiny Buddha dot com to express love and gratitude in your day.

© 2022 Official Love and Gratitude Day July 22nd